Payment on the website is made in EUR. The prices are retail, expressed in EUR and include the corresponding VAT. Please note that the means of payment in the Republic of Croatia is the EURO, and the buyer pays the cost of possible currency conversion. The price of each product is determined for each product individually. The process of entering the price on the page is a highly controlled process, but entering prices requires a human factor and implies the possibility of errors. All listed prices are valid for shopping online, regardless of the possible price for the same product in the store.
The seller is authorized to change prices without prior notice, just as he is authorized to change prices exclusively for the web shop without prior notice. Also, the Seller is authorized, without prior notice, at any time to determine a discount, daily or weekly promotions, promotions for an individual product, a group of products and/or for all products. The mentioned benefits may be exclusive to online shopping, which will be indicated to the customer before the purchase itself.
Regardless of the previous point of these General Terms and Conditions, all ordered goods will be delivered at the prices that were valid when the offer was made.
The ordered products and delivery can be paid according to the model chosen by the customer during the order process. You can pay for the ordered products in the following ways:
If you chose to pay by money order or general money order, a confirmation of your order will be sent to your e-mail address. Employees of the Internet store will contact you as needed.
1) If payment for the product is made via a general payment slip , the user must fill in the following information on the payment slip:
Payment to IBAN SHARENO CONCEPT doo: HR2023400091111154754
Call number: 00 - order number*
Recipient: SHARENO CONCEPT doo, SUPILOVA 4, 10000 Zagreb
OIB: 760118447799
After receiving the payment, we will send you the ordered products.
The ordered products are delivered to the customer in accordance with the delivery conditions.
* the order number is in the upper right corner of the order confirmation that will be sent to you by e-mail.
2) If the payment for the product is made via virman , the user must fill in the following information on the payment slip:
Payment to the giro account of SHARENO CONCEPT doo: HR2023400091111154754
Call number: 00 - order number*
Recipient: SHARENO CONCEPT doo, SUPILOVA 4 , 10000 Zagreb
*the order number is in the upper right corner of the order confirmation that will be sent to you by e-mail.
After receiving the payment, we will send you the ordered products.
The ordered products are delivered to the customer in accordance with the delivery conditions.
Payment directly via the Internet, using the most modern credit card payment service:
Cash on delivery allows you to pay for orders upon delivery to the specified address, i.e. only when you see the product in front of you. Cash on delivery is not possible when picking up the goods in person at our warehouse. Cash on delivery payment is made exclusively in cash, to the delivery person at the time of delivery to the specified address. In case the recipient is not able to receive the shipment at the defined delivery address at the time of delivery, the delivery person leaves a notification about the arrival of the shipment.
We currently do not deliver outside of Croatia.
When paying on our web store, use CorvusPay or PayPal - an advanced system for securely accepting payment cards via the Internet.
CorvusPay ensures the complete confidentiality of your card data from the moment you enter them in the CorvusPay payment form. Payment data is transmitted encrypted from your web browser to the bank that issued your card. Our store never comes into contact with complete information about your payment card. Also, the data is inaccessible even to employees of the CorvusPay system. An isolated core independently transfers and manages sensitive data, keeping it completely secure.
The form for entering payment data is secured with an SSL transport code of the highest reliability. All stored data is additionally protected by encryption, using a cryptographic device certified according to the FIPS 140-2 Level 3 standard. CorvusPay meets all the requirements related to the security of online payments prescribed by the leading card brands, that is, it operates in accordance with the norm - PCI DSS Level 1 - the highest security standard of the payment card industry. When paying with cards included in the 3-D Secure program, in addition to the validity of the card itself, your bank also confirms your identity using a token or password.
Corvus Info considers all collected information as bank secret and treats it accordingly. The information is used exclusively for the purposes for which it is intended. Your sensitive data is completely safe, and its privacy is guaranteed by the most modern protection mechanisms. Only data necessary for the performance of work are collected in accordance with the prescribed demanding procedures for online payment.
The security controls and operational procedures applied to our infrastructure ensure the immediate reliability of the CorvusPay system. In addition, by maintaining strict access control, regular security monitoring and in-depth checks to prevent network vulnerabilities, and planned implementation of provisions on information security, they permanently maintain and improve the level of system security by protecting your card data.