Giro account IBAN with PRIVREDNA BANKA dd Zagreb: HR2023400091111154754
Giro account IBAN with ZAGREBAČKA BANKA dd Zagreb: HR2523600001102969848
Headquarters: SHARENO CONCEPT doo, Supilova 4, 10000 Zagreb
E-mail address:
OIB: 76011844799
MB: 081395083
Basic capital: € 2,654.46 (HRK 20,000.00)
Board member: Iva Birkić
Entered in the court register of the Commercial Court in Zagreb
1) Seller - trading company SHARENO CONCEPT doo, Supilova 4, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
2) - website owned by the Seller
3) Customer - any person who, after reviewing and selecting a product or service, has registered their data and (or without registration - registration is not mandatory) has placed an order, i.e. purchased a product or service.
4) User " " – any person who uses the website " " for the purpose of purchasing products advertised on it or obtaining information about a particular product
5) Use of " " – access to in order to obtain information about its content and/or create a web store
6) Online shopping or web store - purchasing products via " "
7) Products – all products that are highlighted on " " and that can be purchased through the web store.
These conditions refer to the sale of products published on the website and in catalogs. By using these websites, the User of / Customer confirms that he is familiar with and agrees with the General Business Terms and Conditions of Purchase. It is considered that, by placing an order, they fully accept the General Business Terms and Conditions of Purchase. By using these Internet pages, the User confirms that he is familiar with and agrees with the General Terms and Conditions of Business and Use. The holder of all rights on the website is the trading company SHARENO CONCEPT doo
The terms of use prescribe conditions and rules for Users and refer to the use of the website . By using the website, Users declare that they agree with the General Terms and Conditions of Business and Use and agree to use the website in accordance with them. Users are instructed to familiarize themselves with these Terms and Conditions before making a purchase and to check them regularly in order to be familiar with all rights and obligations.
The right to use the website is the User's personal right and cannot be transferred in any way to other natural or legal persons, nor is any user authorized to register other natural or legal persons.
The product purchase agreement between the Buyer and the Seller is concluded at the moment of the product order.
The customer can only be an adult and capable of doing business. Contracts can be concluded in the name and on behalf of minors and persons completely incapable of business by their legal representatives or guardians, and persons partially capable of business may conclude the contract only with the consent of their legal representative or guardian. The Seller bears no responsibility for actions contrary to this provision.
The user is personally responsible for protecting the confidentiality of passwords, in places where they exist as such. The user is obliged to provide accurate, complete and valid personal data when filling out the registration form. Acting contrary to this, authorizes the Seller to deny such a user access to or the realization of all or part of the services offered by .
The user is aware of the fact that there are sometimes service interruptions or events beyond the control of SHARENO CONCEPT doo and accepts that SHARENO CONCEPT doo is not responsible for any data loss that may occur during the transmission of information on the Internet. The User agrees and accepts that access to the Website may sometimes be interrupted, temporarily unavailable or disabled.
The company SHARENO CONCEPT doo reserves the right at any time and without prior notice, if it deems it necessary, to cancel or change the content of the General Terms and Conditions, the range of products, the price of products or the content of the website . Therefore, before each use of the website, Users are obliged to review the content of the General Terms and Conditions. The opposite action releases the Seller from any responsibility. The aforementioned changes come into force upon publication at .
The use of this website is solely the responsibility of the User. The seller is exempted from any responsibility for damage that may have occurred when visiting the website due to illegal actions of third parties, computer viruses, interruption in the communication line, unauthorized access, inappropriate behavior, negligence and the like, and other cases for for which the Seller is not responsible. The seller is released from any responsibility in the event of circumstances that prevent the use of the website. The terms of this chapter refer to the entire content of the website .
The seller fully disclaims any responsibility for the accuracy and/or completeness of all information and content found on the website. reserves the right to make mistakes in the product description and image posted according to the manufacturer's information. All contents posted on the Internet page are posted to facilitate the customer's choice when shopping. We are not responsible for unintentional errors. places all materials, photos and text on the website in good faith to make it easier for the customer to choose when shopping. does not guarantee that the product photos fully correspond to the appearance of the product itself. We are not responsible for possible unintentional errors in the product description. It is possible that the actual product and the photos of the product and the product described on these pages may be different, if the manufacturer changes some of the characteristics or content of the product. All descriptions are regularly and thoroughly checked.
The Law on Consumer Protection (NN 41/14, 110/15) applies to business conditions.
The subject and commercial purpose of the Agreement is the purchase of a selected product or service through the " " web store with the payment of the appropriate fee - the price of that product or service. The Agreement is concluded by means of remote communication (Agreement concluded remotely) via: internet ordering-web shop, printed promotional messages with purchase order, telephone with human intervention.
The buyer is authorized to choose the option for the Seller to inform him about new products, products on sale, etc. (newsletter). After successful registration (correctly filling in all required information), a notification about successful registration will be sent to the Customer's e-mail.
The products that can be purchased are advertised on " " and with each product there is information about the product specification and price. The price and delivery conditions are listed under "Delivery methods".
The desired product is selected by saving it to the "basket" by clicking on the "Basket" link. If the Buyer makes a purchase of a product that, in the meantime, has been sold, then the Seller will contact the buyer to agree on further action (refund of the amount paid, purchase of another product or delivery of a product of the same type when the Seller obtains it from its suppliers). The Seller, apart from the obligation just mentioned, is not liable to the Buyer in the described case on any basis.
In the "basket" there are all the products that the Customer has chosen for purchase together with the price of the product and the price of delivery, as well as the total price (VAT included). If the Customer wants to continue with the purchase, he selects the "Buy" link, and the system then automatically takes him to the page " Order" in which it is necessary to confirm the data provided by the customer during registration, the delivery address, confirm or possibly change the delivery of the invoice and the choice of payment method (cash on delivery, cash on delivery or payment by credit card). The details of the invoice can be changed in relation to whether the invoice is received by a natural person or a legal entity If the invoice is received by a legal entity, the customer must enter all the required information.
After completing the aforementioned steps of the web store and selecting "Buy" on the "Order" page, the system automatically takes the Customer to the "Order Confirmation" page, which contains information about the order number, payment, as well as a notification about sending a confirmation email containing the offer sale of selected products and a notification about the e-mail address and phone number through which the customer can get all the necessary information. If the customer has chosen to pay by card, clicking on "Buy" takes him to enter data related to card payment. He can also choose to pay in installments without interest if this payment is possible with the card he is paying with.
In order to make a purchase on the web shop, registration is not mandatory. It is only necessary to leave a valid e-mail address (the one to which you have access) in the first step of the checkout process so that after entering the data required for delivery, it will be possible to send you an order confirmation.
If you do not want to enter the delivery address and payment method information every time during the purchase, quick registration is recommended. It is only necessary to enter a valid e-mail address, personal data (name, surname, address, postal code, city, phone number) and password used to access the user account only once. It can be an arbitrary string of characters - the longer it is, the more resistant it is to hacking. If you are out of ideas, you can get a generated password on the Password generator website.
After entering the required data, the registration must be confirmed by clicking on the "Registration" field. The created user account remains registered in the system, and it is accessed using a combination of username and password on the "Login" page.
In case you have forgotten your password, on the same page you should click on "Forgot your password?". You get to the page where you can leave your e-mail address with which you registered on the web shop, and then the system automatically sends you a link to reset your password and get a new one. You can change it yourself later in the account settings, since automatically created passwords are not easy to 'remember' (or just click YES when the browser asks you to remember the entered password so you don't have to enter it every time you log in).
In short, after creating an account, all further purchases require a login with a username and password.